I Love Nairobi

Hey you :). Register a free account today to become a member of our community for people that are living in Nairobi and loving it! In our community you will find friends, business opportunities and entertainment. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate in our community by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox!

Rules about promoting your own business

Obi-Wan Nairobi

Staff member

Since there aren't that many online platforms available in Nairobi that allow you to promote your business for free, I will allow it on my forum, but there are rules that you must follow!

You can put a link that leads to your website in your forum signature (like I'm doing), but the text should not be too big or distracting. You cannot promote things like prostitution, drugs or anything else that is considered illegal.

You can only have ONE topic in the buy, sell and trade section (unless you pay us to create a forum section for you) that shares information about your products and services. CLICK HERE TO SEE AN EXAMPLE.

Please note that I will move your topic to the correct category. For example, your shop sells natural medicine, so its listed in the health & alternative medicine category. To avoid being listed in the wrong category, make sure you explain in perfect detail what kind of services and products you offer.

You should only put relevant information in your topic and you are allowed to answer questions from potential customers, but you are not allowed to spam your own topic by adding too many unnecessary replies. Also, you must be a member that contributes to the forum by sharing quality content and helping out fellow members (by answering their questions or by sharing valuable knowledge). If you do not contribute to the forum and if you break any of the rules I mentioned, than you will not be allowed to promote yourself or your business.

If you want your topic to become a sticky topic or if you want your own forum section then you will have to pay a fee for it. I will make this option available once the forum has gained popularity.
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If I become a reseller for Herbhealth, can I promote it here?
You live in Mombasa right? If you become a reseller then you can just buy in bulk from us and sell to people in Mombasa. You would be allowed to promote here on the forum as long as you make clear that you sell in Mombasa only.