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I tried it (CBD oil)


New member
I received my sample today. I'm in Mombasa and the parcel was shipped from Nairobi via executive bus parcel to their office in Mombasa, town. I asked for their cheapest sample (which is 300 ksh) because I wasn't ready yet to spend more before having tried it. They said the smallest sample they have is 2 ml, but it comes in a perfume bottle. I agreed, paid 500 ksh (200 for shipping) and asked them to ship it today (which they did).

They asked me on Whatsapp around 10 pm, if I am happy with the service they provided. I told them I am happy and that i'll order a big bottle next time. They really do provide very good service. As for the effects, I felt absolutely amazing :love:. I felt so relaxed and happy. I enjoyed listening to music more than I usually do because my mood was very good. I even watched a movie until 2 AM because I didn't want to go to bed and miss out on all the amazing effects this tincture offers. The effects lasted a good 5 hours. I really recommend their product! Thanks for this amazing cbd oil 🥰.

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