New member
Yesterday I was chilling with my girlfriend at my place. We just caught up and talked, just hang out with each other. Just as she was about to leave she told me that atakuja tunyoe my Valentine's gift. Let me tell you Maina sijawahi kasirika hivo. Mind you she was deadass while saying this. I recollected and took a moment to think about our relationship. I discovered shift in energy while talking to me especially over text and it has been very consistent its just that I initially thought that maybe she was worked up r something thats why she may have failed to see some messages. She feeds me breadcrumbs and weaponised sex something which I absolutely hate with passion. I am in campus and sacrificed a lot intending to treat her for Valentine's but if by end of day today she doesn't acknowledge and accept being wrong I will have to withdraw the treatment both during and after Friday. She disguised it "as a joke" which is a tale I have heard many times from her once something she does pisses me off and she notices. She has the ability to get me something but she chooses to offer herself as 'my gift' for valentine's. Men please match energy which you receive. What steps must I take? Am I giving too much?